The existence of a phenomenon ceases in the same now it occurs
To hear is always to already have heard
Existence as an infinite stream of irreversible inheritance
Space and time vibrate unstoppably in systems of systems in systems
One era replaced by the next
Space, time, echo and dimensionality in eternal repetition
time, in time, in time
The noise remains
unlimited, continuous, infinite, immutable
The universe resonating metallically
activity humming calm harmonics
As soon as a phenomenon appears, it leaves the noise
a form weaves
breaks through
everything is clear, ordered, chaotic
Minerals breathe, vegetables eat, animals feel, humans crystallize
Collaborative work with Alex Mørch
Supported by The City of Aarhus (Kulturudviklingspuljen)
Exhibited at KH7artspace 2020
Permanent installation in Skovsnogen Deep Forest Artland. The work is inspired by archaeological history. It incorporates fictitious archaeological finds, a museum plaque with text in Danish, English and Chinese, as well as a 1 meter in diameter gong that all visitors can use.
From exhibition Triple Alpha Process with Ida Hy at Udstillingsstedet Q.
Materials: Forest, water, waterpump, glass.
Collaboration with Ida Hy.
38 modules in vacuumformed plast interconnected by tubes and wires -air, water and sounds flowing to and from each box in an entwined grid. Contemplating surfaces forming a common boundary among two different phases of matter -solid vs. liquid, exhange of materials and information between different parts of a shared system, multiple universes, landscapes and interfaces.
Materials: Vacuum plastic, air pumps, wood, water, plants, speakers, amps, piezodiscs, electronics and fishing line.
Dimensions: 610*490 cm.
Installation at Kunstetagerne Hobro, spring 2016.
This piece contemplates a single particles movement over eons of time through atoms, molecules, matter, plants, beings, planets and more.
The installation incorporated crocheted metal wire resembling DNA thread alongside old plaster casts of ancient greek sculptures.
In collaboration with artist Pia Pan
At POP-Up culture house, Viborg, Denmark
Concert for Mirror Wall, performer and synthesizer. Physically constructed 3D model and analog music creates a synergy between digital and analog, audio and visual.
Materials (Mirror Wall): Wood, tape, glue, PU foam, mirror foil and cardboard.
Dimensions: 240*240*110 cm.
Top photos from performance at Concert Hall Aarhus, 2015. Bottom three photos are from construction process.
(eng.: Foreign Noise)
The project consists of two sculptural figures that communicate via sound. The suits that are battery powered, has integrated speakers and sound in the design. The sound is controlled by a performer inside each costume through various sensors coupled to a Arduino which also produces the sound in each figure.
The project is a collaboration with artist Ida Hy and supported by Rethink 2017.
See more about the project here:
Photos: Setup view, inside-out, detail of inside-out speaker, sketches and still from documentation video.
Speaker sweatshirt uses sound and technology together with the human body to form an human sound sculpture. The work consists of a sweatshirt with 5 integrated speakers and an external sub/amplifier through which is played a specifically composed soundscape. The work investigates the space between sound art, installation and the concert format.
:: Speaker sweatshirt is worn by dancer Jonathan Ibsen and photographed by photographer Dalin Waldo ::